Seoul: North Korea agaghị atụle mbibi nke ụlọ oriri na ọṅụṅụ 'shabby' South Korea

Seoul: North Korea agaghị atụle mbibi nke ụlọ oriri na ọṅụṅụ 'shabby' South Korea
North Korea's dictator Kim orders 'shabby' South Korean hotels destroyed

South Korea on Monday proposed a working-level meeting with North Korea, just days after the North formally demanded that the South Koreans come to the North’s Diamond Mountain resort at an agreed-upon date to clear out their facilities.

But Pyongyang has rejected Seoul’s request for official talks to discuss the demolition of South Korean-made hotels and other facilities at Diamond Mountain resort that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has declared ‘shabby’ and wants destroyed.

Kim has reportedly ordered the destruction of the properties, apparently because Seoul won’t defy US-led sanctions and resume South Korean tours at the site.

The Unification Ministry in Seoul said that North Korea sent letters to the South today saying face-to-face meetings would be unnecessary.

IHE Ị GA-Ewepụ na edemede a:

  • South Korea on Monday proposed a working-level meeting with North Korea, just days after the North formally demanded that the South Koreans come to the North's Diamond Mountain resort at an agreed-upon date to clear out their facilities.
  • But Pyongyang has rejected Seoul's request for official talks to discuss the demolition of South Korean-made hotels and other facilities at Diamond Mountain resort that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has declared ‘shabby’.
  • Kim has reportedly ordered the destruction of the properties, apparently because Seoul won't defy US-led sanctions and resume South Korean tours at the site.

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